Friday, July 27, 2012

New apartment in Minneapolis!!!

 So we have only been living in our new apt for a couple of days now and even though we are miles and miles away from vegas, I feel at home here. Its funny because lately I've felt out of place like I'm just floating around. When I'm in this wondering place I miss my queer and blood familia intensely. It's not that I don't miss everyone now but its just easier to be away. So our new home gets a funky smell sometimes because it is an old building but in a lot of ways it reminds me of the feminist house. Our building in just inches away from another just as old and tall and probably just as stinky apt building but it is disguised in green vines that give us an illusion that we don't really live that close to another building but instead we live in front of a green beautiful field. Because we are so close to this other building we can hear one of our neighbors play music usually during the evening. Which doesn't bother me at all. It's almost like I still live with my lito baby jorina. Sometimes I can here our many neighbors caught up in funny conversation and I can remember hearing my love jasmine and jorina laughing and talking it up in there rooms. It was a blessing in disguise. I miss the feminist house and all my loves so much and it gets hard sometimes because I feel the need to have that person to person contact with all of you. But i am doing alright and hopefully it gets easier to be away. Nolo, Jm, Jaszzy poo, Jorn, Adan, Anita, Claudia, Maria, Karina and all my loves you should know that you will follow me where ever I go! Enjoy the pictures of our beautiful casita there will be more once we unpack! Hope you come and visit!


Joanna said...

Lol I love all your comments about our new place! especially how you compared it to the feminist house, I hadn't thought of it that way but it's true. That neighbor plays some good music though! lol. Ja I love you honey, thanks for coming along for this ride with me :D

Chanclita (Irina) said...

Yay! I'm glad you like it!!!

Xicanocolibri said...

yay! I am so happy that your in your new place. I enjoyed reading this. I also miss our one on one conversations but soon enough! What kind of music does your neighbor play? I am so excited that you all have your own place now <3 Please send me your address soon!

Chanclita (Irina) said...

@Xicanocolibri- Lol my neighbor plays hip hop mostly! Yes I do miss our conversations and just being able to share person to person time with you :(

Jasmine Rubalcava said...

I'm so happy and excited for this new chapter of your lives. Que felicidad! I love your home and can't wait to visit! Las extraño mucho, mucho, mucho y igual las llevo conmigo todo el tiempo, mis amores.

(Irina, how's that for a spanish refresher. lol)

Chanclita (Irina) said...

Dork! I miss you so much my jazzy poo!! Never forget, never let go! lol